Right now I’m painting people as opposed to mountains or flowers or fruit or ideas. I try to situate them in their surroundings in a way that reveals their essential rightness. That is, if they’ll let me, and some will not despite their being close relatives or long dead. They just refuse.
I’m particularly fascinated by people posing for the camera. Not for selfies, you understand, but for other people’s photographs. You might argue that selfies are meant to be admired by the world at large, but I maintain that these are very different activities.
So nothing overtly cutting edge here or revolutionary or ironic. And of course, I can’t expect the buying public to be interested in a painting of my grandmother, for which reason I’ve also included a few pieces based on photos I took in China between 2005 and 2007.
The painting below, of my mother and brother, captures her characteristic tension despite the serene pose.
Paintings posted on this site are available for sale unless otherwise marked.
Contact me at mikemiller@asmikemiller.com
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